This giveaway is now closed! Winners are commenters #2 – Katie, #7 – Becky, #11 – Summer, #16 – Tiffany, and #21 – Lisa! Check your email, Ladies!

Unfortunately, many parents feel inept in the area of prayer so they find it difficult to model before their children. But children don’t need us to have it all together in this area. What we are looking for, then, is grooves to be cut so deep in our family life that our children breathe prayer. When they are frightened, they pray, and when they are victorious, they pray. Can this be a reality? Yes. Let’s look at how we can model this, therefore, train our children to pray naturally.

First, express the desire.

“Lord, I come asking for You to make me a woman of prayer. Would You help me learn to pray and create in me an appetite for prayer? I need You, and my family needs You. Train my heart and mind to seek You.”

This is a prayer God desires to answer.

Next, we can create prayer grooves.

There is power in the repetitive rhythm of an action. My parents live out of state, and people have always marveled at how I could drive twenty-one hours from West Michigan to Austin, Texas, alone with my four young children. I often tell them, “We just find the groove in the road, put our tires in it, and drive.” Similarly, we can create prayer habits, or grooves, that with repetition become patterns.

It’s easy for us to buck the idea of ritual prayers because we believe that passionate prayer lives always involve spontaneity. We live in a culture that bucks self-discipline, but creating prayer grooves in your life creates opportunity to build consistency.

For example, what if you began committing your day to the Lord every time your alarm rang or at least as you pour your first cup of coffee? Perhaps as you drive past the local school you could pray that God would allow truth to be taught there and for the faculty to have wisdom that day. One of my friends has an app on her phone that rings every two hours prompting her to pray for students in her small group and her nephews and nieces. Now that’s using technology to glorify God.

One of my deep prayer grooves is to begin any study of the Word with a time of prayer. This means when my hands open the Scriptures, I ask for the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom, insight, and to guide me into truth. I need His leadership and insight as I have my personal devotions, as I prepare lessons, and as I teach.

Another prayer groove that runs deep in my life happens at bedtime. If I lay down with my husband and we haven’t prayed for our family, we can’t sleep. Eleven years ago my husband told me that he’d heard Dennis Rainey say that the divorce rate of couples who pray together daily is virtually zero. With a simple commitment to prayer, we could almost ensure we would stay together. This rhythm has not become dull with the repetitive nature but rather a time of sweetness and unity between us.

There’s something very powerful about scheduling prayer into your days. It reminds me that I need God to work, but it also alleviates the guilt associated with prayerlessness. At the end of the day, I’m praying about the things that matter most to me and I have filled my day with moments of seeking Him.

Children see more than we give them credit for. As we pray this way in front of them they learn how to implement it in their daily lives as well.

Be BRAVE enough to be transparent before them.

Is it time to ask for the Lord to create inside of you a passion to pray? How would implementing the ideas above help you model you prayer life to your children?

Now for the fun!

You might have heard – today is release day for Brave Moms, Brave Kids.

Brave Moms, Brave Kids is an equipping tool that will help you…

  • identify the qualities present in true greatness
  • reject “mommy fears” and replace them with immovable truth
  • learn strategies for praying for and training your children more effectively
  • develop seven key lessons we must teach our children to live for Jesus

Courage starts with YOU, Mama! I want to encourage all you mamas to be BRAVE today, so I’m giving away five copies of Brave Moms, Brave Kids, along with all the preorder gifts that won’t be available publicly after today. Comment below with a BRAVE prayer you routinely pray, or will begin praying TODAY, over your family! (If you’re reading via email, click over here to comment.) Winners will be announced Monday, February 5!

This giveaway is now closed! Winners are commenters #2 – Katie, #7 – Becky, #11 – Summer, #16 – Tiffany, and #21 – Lisa! Check your email, Ladies!

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