I have been hearing only quiet whispers from the Lord recently. Times like these drive me crazy. I much prefer hearing Him speak through the megaphone of His word, a near shout as I reflect in solitude, a tugging during a time of worship, or even with a 2×4 via a sermon. But for heaven’s sake, don’t whisper to me.

I’m scared I’ll miss your voice, Lord. I fear nothing more than You not speaking. It is so easy to be distracted. Pregnancy, schooling, kids, events, housekeeping, trips, worries. They lay hold of me and captivate my attention.

So, I’ll act on what I hear as I push aside distraction and fight to put things in their proper order.


You are whispering to my heart that I need to change some things. Sure up some things I’ve allowed to slip. Regain focus. Rethink the whys of what I’m doing. Be certain to not allow business to dictate my attitude and actions.

PURPOSEFULLY follow Christ. Resolving to go to bed earlier so I CAN get up earlier to be with YOU.
PURPOSEFULLY serve, love, nurture, support Mike.
PURPOSEFULLY parent. Motherhood is not a game. There are no moments off duty. No words without weight. EVERY MOMENT MATTERS.
PURPOSEFULLY pursue relationships you give me. Disciple consistently. Watch my tongue. Look for ways to encourage.

I hear You.
I’m sitting still purposefully to hear You.

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