The last four days have been such a surreal blur.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you…..then
you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:3-6My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment,
do not let them out of your sight;
they will be life to you
an ornament to grace your neck.
Then you will go on your way in safety,
and your foot will not stumble;
when you lie down, you will not be afraid;
when you lie down your sleep will be sweet.
Proverbs 3:21-24
To say that I am sad would be putting it mildly. That I’ve cried a time or twenty. An understatement.
This trip never really was all about me and what I would do it. It is about the glory of the God I serve. He will do His work in Haiti through my friends and I will sit at home very much still a part of my team. Heart torn in two places, praying as if I were in both. I’ve rehearsed the schedule dozens of times for this. For this sacred work of prayer. May I still be faithful.
Thank you for praying beside me.