by Lee | Dec 18, 2008 | typical days
I am so sorry. I hate having been neglectful for weeks on end. The truth is life has felt a little like the picture above. Paradise, in the middle of an onslaught of storms. Winds kicked up and storms brewing. Actually, this is Poipu Beach on Kauai. The signs says,...
by Lee | Oct 20, 2008 | typical days
Harvest 2008 has begun and Mike says the weekend was full of soybeans, though truth be told, I had him home Saturday and Sunday. It was wonderful. Mike says soybeans have to have very little moisture and are more susceptible to climate and weather than corn so the...
by Lee | Jul 16, 2008 | typical days
I can NOT post picutres this morning. So, you can just have a recap of yesterday.Wake up, quiet time, breakfast, grab samples and lipsticks and put together orders, pack beach gear and lunches, drop off orders in nearby town, head to the beach, sit for HOURS with...
by Lee | Mar 5, 2008 | typical days
Mike had Monday afternoon off and we put that farm boy to work….He installed the new blinds in our room and Lexie’s. They are 2″ faux wood plantation style blinds. They look nice, but they sure do make a world of difference in the appearance of our...