
Moms make the difference, moms just like you. A new show by Moms in Prayer International
hosted by Lee Nienhuis. Learn more about Moms in Prayer International at momsinprayer.org

Who is running the show in your home? Today, Arlene Pellicane and host, Lee Nienhuis,
discuss the importance of parents taking their place as the loving authority within their
homes. Arlene explains how developing a few key strategies in our lives actually brings
greater peace and fruitfulness into the lives of our children. It’s worth the effort of
stepping up our parenting game!

We are celebrating our 10th episode with our Moms in Prayer President, Sally Burke. Sally
and Lee discuss her MIP story, her new book, Start With Praise!, and they spill the beans
about the 35th Anniversary celebration next year! You’ll love getting to know our dynamic

Today Lee sits down with parenting expert AND Moms in Prayer Mom, Pam Farrel, to discuss
teaching our kids about their sexuality and purity. If there has ever been a time when
parents much step forward and courageously have “the talk,” it is now. Pam says, “Our God
is bigger than the statistics facing our kids.”

Crystal Woodman Miller was in 11th grade when her Colorado High School would experience a
devastating school massacre. When the April 20th, 1999 shooting happened at Columbine High
School, Crystal was crouched under a library table and prayed fervently to a God she scarcely
knew. In today’s episode, Lee Nienhuis and Crystal discuss faith, healing and mothering in
an age of violence and widespread fear. The conversation is gripping, important, and hope
filling for moms of all stages.

Ben VanderKodde is a Moms in Prayer son, married to a Moms in Prayer mom. In this episode,
we explore the benefits of being fervently prayed over for a lifetime. You will be challenged
by the intentionality and climate set within the walls of a praying home. Ben and Lee discuss
helping children find their identities in Christ.

Have you ever said to yourself, “I want to want what God wants, but I really want what I
want.” Yea-us too. Today’s guest, Elisa Morgan and Lee talk about that moment in the
Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus prayed a prayer of honesty and abandon. “Take this cup from
me, but not my will but yours be done.” What could change if we prayed that same prayer over
our lives?

“There is no one more influential, more leveraged, more efficient than a mom or a dad in
the life of their kid.” In this episode, David Eaton joins Lee Nienhuis and MIP Director of
Communications, Estha Trouw to discuss parenting teens in this fast paced, technology rich
world. David pumps courage and conviction into parents to be the chief disciplers of their
children. He also covers 5 important conversations parents need to have with their children
about smart phones. You don’t want to miss this one.

The “Perfection Infection” can invade every aspect of life, including our motherhood.
Today’s guest, Jill Savage and Lee Nienhuis discuss 4 ways parents can keep perfectionism
from harming the relationships with their children. Honest about the issues that trap us,
Jill offers hope for moms who know they struggle with disappointment and a critical spirit.

Our kids will walk through many seasons of transition on their way to adulthood.
Today’s guest, Scott Schimmel is on a mission to help people uncover their identity,
purpose, and place of belonging. Lee and Scott cover asking good questions, awkward
kids, and helping our kids find an Advisory Board. You aren’t going to want to miss
a minute.

How could our nation change if students began praying on campuses around America?
On today’s podcast, Lee Nienhuis and Jeff Eckart discuss the importance of prayer for
schools and in schools. Jeff’s ministry is working on the cutting edge with students
and youth workers helping reach the next generation.

What a fun interview to kick off our BRAND new Moms in Prayer Podcast!

Sign up for the Stand Unshaken Bible Study!

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