I’ve been reading a book recently that makes some incredible points. BUT it is one of those books where you are taking a small sip from a fire hose. I mean there are so many things that the author identifies as behavior that needs changing that my mind spins.
Rewind to two weeks ago when Mike told me that he thought we needed to turn off the television. FOR A WEEK. Easy for him to say, I thought. You don’t have to stay at home all day with two rug rats who beg for DOOOOOOOORAAAA the EX- PLOR-AAAAAAAA…..as Gabi so lovingly coined her brown sista…. LOL….Dare I suggest we had an obsession with all things DOOOOORAAA?? Anyway, Mike isn’t usually the one to suggest changes like this so I took him up on the challenege of purging the backpack doter and all other shows that have crept into our lives for a week.
It was a long week. A hard week. I didn’t get a shower till nap time a couple of the days. BUT. I have only watched 10 minutes of the news since then. And the kids are rationed to three episodes or 1.5 hours a day. Which may sound like a lot to all of you, but I can shower and get dressed and start laundry in two episodes of DOOOORAAA. And I can start dinner with out B&G underfoot. That’s it. It means much more talking and much more parental creativity.
Do you know what I’ve noticed, though? That I had been allowing sin to creep into our lives via the television. Greed and discontentment had seeped into my children’s lives as they watched the commercials between shows. Lifestyles and life choices that I hardly condone were blatantly paraded in front of me and I didn’t even bat an eye anymore.
But the purge happened.
And today, I couldn’t listen to my ITunes favorites list. Because there were songs on there that advocated immorality AND I HAD NEVER REALLY NOTICED BEFORE. It actually hurt my heart.
And low and behold, today’s Bible Study was just about that very thing. That our hearts have been desensitized to sin and unless we want our children to be desenitized as well and make choices even worse than our own, we need to ask God to help us change the tide.
Lord Jesus, I confess that I have allowed sin to creep into my heart. Please warm up the areas that have grown numb to sin. May sin remain scarlet in my mind and may I be ever mindful of your sacrifice for it.
Ouch….that was painful to read because of the conviction level. Why does Mike have to suggest such level headed ideas?
You are so wise, my friend, and I enjoy soaking in everything you say. Love ya!
I agree…you are very wise. And hit a point very close to home. Praying that my eyes and heart is open to the things you mentioned.
Wow! I really agree with what you said! I want my eyes to be opened also. I have limited tv in the past but, it slowly gets forgotten. Maybe its time for a change – thanks for the reminder