I’ve got to tell you the blood in farmers’ veins runs in one of a few, blessed, primary colors. Green is usually the color of choice around this farm. There are a few exceptions, but be sure that every man on the farm and their offspring proudly sport John Deere apparel on most outings.
But then, so does my stepdad. He’s got his own little family member that he mows his latest subdivision on. I think it is therapy of some sort, sort of like going to Target.
Mike has been working soil in a field nearby preparing for the corn planter. I’ve taken the kids out a few times for rides when the days get long. Brendan was downright confused when we pulled up to find his Dad driving a BLUE tractor. This is the tractor we’re renting for planting season. There are so many tractors in action at any one time right now that they need an extra to get everything done.
The girls were fast asleep in the car one evening when we went out for a visit. So, Brendan got a ride in his jams.

He talked a mile a minute when he got back in the car. IT HAS A BUDDY SEAT, MOM!!!

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