Yesterday, Monica, wrote about the National Day of Remembrance of children who have died, been stillborn, or miscarried.
I was so choked up I couldn’t get to this post.
I want to say, three years and three months worth of days have passed since our T-2’s due date. That precious baby, who rests in the Lord, departed my life after 11 weeks in my tummy. Such a short time. Never out of my memory, just not such a deep gash in my soul.
I want to offer this hope.

I PRAISE God for taking T-2 (our second baby).
Because through that loss and pain, we found Gabriella.
And not one moment of one day do I regret that. I glory in God for the loss because His plans are always right. Not always comfortable and fuzzy. Not nearly romantic. But always right.
I can stand and say on this day, that God is good. I will choose him. Again and again and again.
He was good the day we lost T-2 and he is good today.
A few tears were shed yesterday and now today, because I understand fully that God heals pain but doesn’t erase the memory.
Love and prayers to those who are part of this club. The one you would never choose to be in but are awfully glad is there. And to one of my dearest friends, I love you and am praying.

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