Is this beautiful little girl REALLY the tiny, chubby cheeked little baby they handed me in the Westin Lobby four years ago?
Its been a quick year, I tell ya. So very, many changes have happened in Gabriella this year and as we are now almost a month past her fourth birthday, it is high time we look back over God’s miracles.
Gabriella has a rip roaring year, from barely putting two words together to full sentences. A year ago we interpreted EVERY thing she said to someone else and that was IF she was willing to converse. Fast forward to her second MRI in December, a snowy and scary ride to the Children’s Hospital, and another confirmation from a specialist. Gabriella’s speech and language issues were a result of something greater than typical childhood lag. But this appointment helped us resolve in our minds to help her rehab quickly and to make up ground lost. January brought a brand new therapist into our lives and a trip to a nationally recognized and method published Apraxia specialist in Detroit. Mike and I both mark this as the turning point in our year.
This specialist gave us HOPE and a new way to communicate with Gabriella. We needed to begin building pathways in her brain for spontaneous speech. Ask better questions and give her answers to say in response…..etc…..To make a long story short, God allowed our prayers and begging for answers and direction to finally make visible headway. Glory to Him who is able.
That brings us to her 4th birthday.
Gabi is talking and conversing intelligibly with everyone. She has the SWEETEST spirit and compassion for others that moves my heart. She is protective and tender with her siblings. She likes hot cocoa. Every morning. She wants her music on and her door open at night. She likes a stuffed tabby cat named “Pretty Kitty” best. Gabi likes tomatoes and princess fruit snacks. She can ride a bike with training wheels and can point out Africa and Guatemala on a map. She knows the story of Jesus and is developing more and more curiosity about the things of God. (May He claim her as His soon.)
In short, she is absolutely a gift from God. She touches my heart in a way that I can not seem to put into words. I would not love her more had she sprung from my womb. Gabriella, your stubborn spirit is a gift from God. He created you to stand strong and fight. May you do that for His kingdom all your days. You are a blessing I will never stop counting and thanking God for…..Grow strong in Jesus, Baby. Mama loves you.
Thanks for this encouraging post. It’s so wonderful to see God’ faithfulness to your sweet little girl and to know that He is bigger than our “everyday” life problems!
Could her love for hot cocoa be related to her mom’s coffee in the morning? She is so precious 🙂