This morning one of my girlfriends-cousin-in-law called and asked if we wanted to go Blueberry picking before swimming lessons. The You pick she wanted to go to is certainly not my favorite, but a chance to get out, enjoy a little adult conversation and have a good time was worthwhile. I only picked four pounds this time. A small haul compared to the 21lbs Mike and I picked last week. I plan on making BB pie fill tomorrow and will probably freeze the rest.
Then I finished pitting the last of the season’s sweet cherries and made a new chocolate sweet cherry dessert. I was really delicious, but is so rich we will struggle to finish it. I think I have frozen 8 qt ziplocs of sweet cherries. They are not my favorite midwinter snack, but they will be good in a pinch.
I also picked up a small box of the first of the season peaches at the fruit stand down the road. I paid $3.50 for the end of the day ugly duckling peaches which happen to be perfect for canning. Mike’s family grows peaches so it is almost criminal to have paid money for them, but they were so delicious tonight with dinner.
It was a beautiful day today with the kids. I just praise God for a wonderful day to celebrate His goodness to us.
You have been busy! It is such a pleasure to throw a handful of blueberries that were frozen fresh in my pancakes.
I like how you throw in there that you are delicious! (check the second paragraph!)