Revive us, Lord, according to your word.
There it hung in the cross hairs of the Lord’s sovereignty.
My desperate need for a fresh word from Him, a very real desire for His leading and direction, and a conspicuously quiet season with the Lord. I was feeling a kind of quiet anticipation that makes me lean forward in expectation. I had learned experiential after a difficult season last year the Lord enjoys us enjoying Him and that although painful, there is hope of joy at the end dark tunnels.
I heard (felt) the quietest of whispers.
Revive us, Lord? Sounds like a passage I had read before, but address- unknown.
So I did what any diligent Bible Student would do.(note the sarcastic tone) I asked my smart phone. “Revive us according to your word”- GO. And within seconds I was staring at a variation of a verse I’d read many times.
Psalm 119:25, “My soul cleaves to the dust; Revive me according to your word.” (NASB)
Revive. Revive. Revive.
Oh’ Lord, that is what I desperately desire, to be set aflame by your promises, according to the promises you have made, and not just for me, but for my Farmboy, my children, our church, our nation. Oh’ Lord, please.
Right below the Scripture reference on the Google page was a link.
Friends, follow the link. Follow the link. Follow the link.
I pray the Spirit moves as you determine if your soul has cleaved to the dust as mine had? Do you need revival as I do?