What Fear Won’t Tell You

I left the notecard sitting on the counter because I wasn’t quite sure what to do with the words on it. A friend challenged me to write out the fear that had its hook in my soul. She wanted me to name that lie, stop letting it dance in the shadows of my mind and...


  The Mama Bear thing. Yeah, that’s real, isn’t it? When my oldest was born, we did things by the book. In fact, I had my first sip of caffeine in 9 months about thirty minutes after delivery, chased by a slice of deluxe pizza. When our pediatrician said to wait...

The Real Threat of Safe

She bowed her head and began to pray, the same version of the prayers I had heard for the last few weeks. Dear God, Thank you for this day. Please keep Daddy safe at work today. When we go to school, please help us to have a good day and keep us safe. Thank you for...

Full Interview with Stephen Kendrick about War Room

I could not have been more excited to interview Stephen.  He is a real Jesus lover the real deal who wants to make a big show of his Jesus.  Such fun.  I’m not going to lie, you can see every ounce of nerves and inexperience in this video on my part, but...

Five Minute Friday::dear

I have observed from the sidelines as some of my friends have written wild and free on Fridays.  The challenge is five minutes, no real editing off a prompt given by Kate.  The community is real and so is the practice of letting words flow in worship.  The prompt this...

Good Friday Reflection

What does the cross mean to me? I’m the daughter of two successful type “A’s”. To say that I despise failure would be putting it mildly.   So after digging myself into a pit of sin and knowing full well how desperately I needed forgiveness and a Savior, I gave my...

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