by Lee | Mar 16, 2020 | Brave Moms Brave Kids, homeschool, kids
“What are you doing for family devotionals right now?” I get asked this question all the time, or, “What family devotionals do you recommend?” Today, amid the COVID-19 social distancing phase my kids and I gathered some of our favorite and current devotionals and...
by Lee | Feb 1, 2018 | Brave Moms Brave Kids
This giveaway is now closed! Winners are commenters #2 – Katie, #7 – Becky, #11 – Summer, #16 – Tiffany, and #21 – Lisa! Check your email, Ladies! Unfortunately, many parents feel inept in the area of prayer so they find it difficult to...
by Lee | Jan 30, 2018 | Brave Moms Brave Kids
I’m not prone to helplessness. I’ve always been the type of woman who can make a decision on the fly, a leader who points the way with confidence, and quick with a somewhat educated opinion of what is best. But motherhood? Motherhood has shaken my confidence to the...
by Lee | Jan 26, 2018 | Brave Moms Brave Kids, Uncategorized
She bowed her head and began to pray, the same version of the prayers I had heard for the last few weeks. Dear God, Thank you for this day. Please keep Daddy safe at work today. When we go to school, please help us to have a good day and keep us safe. Thank you for...
by Lee | Dec 21, 2017 | Brave Moms Brave Kids, kids, MIP, Prayer
She didn’t need a positive pregnancy test to tell her what she already knew. She was pregnant. And it wasn’t going to go well with her parents, her friends, or even her fiancé. Motherhood has a way of interrupting plans. She had been planning a wedding full of joy...
by Lee | Nov 11, 2017 | Brave Moms Brave Kids
Apply Now Hey, Sweet Mamas! This world feels like it’s spinning faster every day, doesn’t it? Despite my wrestling for courage, a few years ago my own brave prayers started to give way to fearful pleas for my kids – that they would experience...