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New routines bring new trials.
My farmboy and I made the decision to homeschool our three oldest children this year. Many, many days I wake up and think, “What have I done?” and bookend it with an end of the day climb into bed thinking, “Well, that could have gone better” or sometimes even, “EPIC FAIL.” While there are certainly days peppered in where I know exactly why the Lord has led us this way, and am grateful for a day with my tribe snuggled in tight, many days leave me gasping for grace. Not to mention confessing a short temper, a pitiful attitude, and a grumbling mouth.
I wake many mornings and thank God that His mercies are new every morning. Heaven knows how desperately I need a fresh start. A new beginning.
Because there is fresh grace available for this day- ya know. It isn’t yesterday’s grace and it isn’t tomorrows either.
It is THIS day’s grace.
A verse that has become quite precious to me in this season,
“God is able to make ALL grace abound to you,
so that in ALL things,
at ALL times,
having ALL that you need,
you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8
And I find that once again memorizing Scripture becomes my lifeline. That hope is found in old, Holy Writ breathed fresh and new through the Spirit. And the time at my sink (plentiful these days) becomes a place of growth and not monotony.
I confess that it is not just homeschooling that leaves me craving a new beginning, but also this place. “New to this farm stuff” is being laid to rest, though it will certainly be in the archives- life is but archived isn’t it? I am no longer “new” to this farm life and I can’t find inspiration in writing about the way my life fits awkward. Country on this city girl. I found just the title stuffy, and poorly reflective of the state of my heart. My journey to His.
This place is a new beginning. The Heart Set Free.
A place to reflect the wonder found in a life following Him. The journey of experiencing the boundless love of my God. My reckless love for my Savior. The privilege of being a wife. A mother. A teacher. A speaker. But mostly a worshipper.
In tears but no words. Thanks for sharing. Love you