Purposeful Thinking

Have I mentioned patience isn’t my forte?If I have something to tell Mike, I want to tell him RIGHT now. And if I know that I should wait for an hour till he gets home and not bother him at work, then I could very well HAVE to remind myself to be patient every...

A Puritan Prayer

I’m sensing that God has a message for me this year. “IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT LEE.”This is a great prayer our pastor shared last year from Kay Warren’s book “Dangerous Surrender.” I’m mulling these words and trying to make them my...

We are afraid its not in us….

This morning in my Sunday School we embarked on another lesson about the fear of man. A woman in our class pointed out that as the Israelites stood on the edge of the promise land and sent in their spies, they were not unlike us. You see, they received scary reports...

On purpose

I have been hearing only quiet whispers from the Lord recently. Times like these drive me crazy. I much prefer hearing Him speak through the megaphone of His word, a near shout as I reflect in solitude, a tugging during a time of worship, or even with a 2×4 via a...

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